Exeter Lockdown Doorstep Photography #20: Khaled, Dalal, Lemar and Mila Prudence.

Exeter Lockdown Doorstep Photography: Khaled, Dalal, Lemar and Mila Prudence

There has been a lot of peace and love in our community, Everyone has been working together to help other people – no matter what religion or race. I’ve seen lots of people helping other people without asking..

Khaled and his wife Dalal fell in love in war-torn Syria. In fleeing the civil war in their country they spent five years in Lebanon where they experienced beatings, homelessness, malnutrition and persecution. They arrived in Exeter in 2017.

Khaled waxes lyrical about Exeter, he tells me how warmly he has been received and how much support he and his family have had since being here: “We have been made to very feel welcome in our community, we are very happy to be here. We were very lucky to travel from bad life to good life.”

Read the full story in ‘We are all Heroes’ the book.. Coming soon!